How AODA Signs Can Help People With Disabilities?
Signs are visual elements from where people can get information from. Outdoors, signs let people know who a business is, what they offer, and more. Indoors, signs promote your products and help people find their way around your space. These visual cues can make it challenging for some customers to get the information they need. It is especially hard for people with disabilities, especially those with visual impairments. For this reason, businesses are required to have AODA signs. Following AODA Sign Guidelines Best Custom AODA signs make your business space more accessible. By following specific guidelines on the design, these signs become more understandable for people with disabilities. This makes navigating your space in Toronto easier and more comfortable. When you want to comply with AODA sign requirements in 2021, here are a few guidelines: Have a non-glare finish Have letters, pictograms, and other details in high contrast with the background Be positioned no lower t...